BIG Changes!!!!!

Oh She Cooks
Sorry I’ve been so absent this Lent! While I’ve had some major changes in my personal life, I figured I might as well make a couple big changes with my blog while I’m at. Sooo….I’m finally making the move to! The transfer is nearly complete, aside from moving over all my subscribers. That will probably happen next week, and when it does, you will notice the blog also has a new name. You’ll have to try to guess what it is for now because I’m not going to share until I’m ready for the Big Switch.

I know the past couple years many of you enjoyed the spiritual posts each day during Great Lent and I’m sorry I haven’t been able to keep up with that this year, but I hope you’ll get even more out of the somewhat-new format of the new blog.

For now, you can check out the Orthodox Stuff page here.

Check back next week to get more info about the new blog!

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